Monday, April 22, 2013

The BIG Rocks!

Family + 2nd Grade @ ORE + St. Mary's = BIG ROCKS
Friends + Running/Biking + Special Outings = small rocks

and of course the little pebbles like .........dinner, bills, appointments and so on.....

Since Saturday, I have been able to clarify which rocks are big or small. My big rocks are very important to me and they also require a lot of my time and energy. Although I love spending time with my friends, they do not require much time. I have always been very good at managing my time. I am not a procrastinator at all. I can't relax until I have all of my "jobs" done. This can also be a problem at times. I don't seem to enjoy the simple things in life when I have a lot on my plate. I have a wonderful support system! My husband is always supportive and kind. He only has one personality, compared to the many personalities that I have when the ROCKS are too heavy! My mom and dad also help out with the kids so much. I am very lucky! I feel like I have a good grasp on my rocks at this time.


  1. I like your thoughts on the rocks! My oh my I could use your help on not being a procrastinator:). Ever since becoming a mom, I have become very good at procrastinating...something I never used to do much of.

  2. Oh I remember lying on the couch with my new baby! So much fun! It goes by so quickly. My kids run circles around the house for most of the day. My little one still likes to snuggle though. In fact he is sitting in my lap as I type right now! I hope that you enjoyed the weather today. This whole Masters process has allowed me to think deeper about how important family and relationships are. Enjoy your little one!
