Sunday, November 3, 2013

November BLOG - Favorite Reading Strategy!

One of my favorite reading strategies is incorporating VOICE!
Kids enjoy reading with expression. It brings the stories to life and helps them get involved in what they are reading! I use this strategy with readers theater or with teaching expression. At the beginning of the year I split my kids into groups of four. I give each group an emotion. Every group takes turns saying the simple sentence such as, "I see a mouse," with their emotion represented through their voice. The kids love it! As the year continues I give individuals cards such as the one below. Every student has the same sentences with different emotions. This teaches them that voice is everything! The same sentence can have so many meanings!

Student 1

·     I just saw a mouse. (scared)

·     My cousin is coming for a visit. (angry)

·     There are three cookies left in the jar. (jealous)

1 comment:

  1. Nikki--This sounds like a great activity for kids! They love reader's theater and we are coming to the end of a theme in reading so I am looking forward to trying it this week!! Thanks:)
