Saturday, March 23, 2013

Teachers...Take a Look at a NEW way to Conference!

Videos of Students in Charge Using Ipads!

       If your school is moving in the ipad direction....check this out! You can be a part of the student led conference on this site! It is a great resources for student led conferences or simply why ipads/technology is so beneficial! You can tell that the kids love being in charge, and that the parents gain so much knowledge of what their child is learning.

A little more information.......

Middle school teacher, Clay Reisler, blogs about student led conferences from his classroom. This blog includes video examples from several students and their parents. Students walk their parents through their conference using ipads. Students share work samples, special apps and cites, and also current grades. Parent’s comment on how much their children know about the content they are learning and the technology surrounding it. Reisler includes the conference format that each student must cover. It is laid out nicely and very user friendly. The videos capture the benefits of student led conferences.


  1. Nikki,
    Thank you for sharing this link on student-led Ipad conferences. My district has started the transition of integrating Ipads into the classroom. I could see using the Ipads in the same way for conferencing. I teach 3rd grade and it seems that much of our conference time as now been assigned to reviewing data from standardized testing- MCAs, MAP testing, DIBELS, etc. Have you seen any examples demonstrating the sharing of this information in that way? I've often wondered if graphing would/could/should be shared electronically or hooked up to LCD. It would save paper on all these data printouts and would be a good visual demonstration of performance.

  2. Response on my Blog to Amber
    Hi Amber! At our January workshop, we had someone come in to show us how he conferences with his ipad. It was really cool and saved on paper. He simply copied and pasted the all of the assessments you mentioned above into an app that looked a lot like power point. It was very easy for the kids and parents to move through. He also included a work samples, a reading sample (recording) and pictures of art samples. It was really cool!

  3. Nicki—
    What a fun way to showcase student work using the iPads. This is a great iPad resource that I plan to share. I enjoyed reading a few articles that are posted on there. In one of the articles, it mentioned that iPads have the potential to change education. I love technology and believe it is extremely beneficial and necessary in the classroom. Ipads really are changing education. We have one iPad per classroom and a class set for the entire building. The students love using them. They are very independent when it comes to using them and are not afraid to try new things.

    To the post above, do you know what the app was called? Have you tried to conference with an iPad?

    1. Hi Lori and Natalie,
      I have not tried to conference with the ipad. I am planning on using it in the Fall. I would also like to start conferencing with a few centers. I am not sure what specific app he used. I know that it was an app that used slides. It was not a free app. Our media specialist said that he could find a free one for us to use if we were interested. I will let you know if I discover an app that works for this sort of conferencing.

  4. Nikki, this is such an exciting concept!

    I just "dabbled" in this a bit at winter conferences as our 2nd grade team has a 1:1 Ipad initiative this year. I had the best conference turnout I've ever had and each of my students attended their conference :) They were so proud of the work they could show their parents and it really held them accountable for their time spent working on the Ipads during our day! I love the idea of having a "check-off" of sorts and could see younger students practicing their conference on a peer prior to the conference night...write a script? An outline? The possibilities are endless :)

    I too would be interested to hear how to scan the "must-have" conference forms into an app. It'd be nice if parents could even sign the form via the Ipad and we could then email those signed forms to whomever needed them!

  5. What a neat idea with iPad conferences! With all the technology we are now exposed to, I think it is important to showcase it to parents so they are aware of all the things their hidden are now being exposed to. What better way to share that the at conferences! I am already amazed at how well my kindergartners do with the iPads...they actual have taught me some tricks!!
