Monday, September 16, 2013


It isn't shocking that my most prominent virtue is Imagination....I do have a blog titled Imagine!

My Virtue at School

Truthfully, I am very happy that this virtue came out in the lead. I am usually totally confused by where I end up on behavior and interest inventories. I probably would have picked out imagination as my strength. Thinking of new ideas and lessons comes very naturally for me. I love creating new lessons and activities for my students. I enjoy trying new things in class and I very rarely do things the same way. I have a difficult time following my lesson plans the way that I have them written. The virtue that I scored the lowest in was courage. I do have a very hard time sharing my opinion. I am always afraid that I will step on someones toes or upset someone. I am constantly worried and I would rather hide under a table than deal with conflict! My lack of courage gets in the way of sharing my imagination. I need to develop stronger leadership skills which will strengthen my courage. I shouldn't avoid conflict if I believe certain strategies will improve student learning!

Imagination at Home

I don't feel that I use my virtue as much as I should at home. I don't plan creative birthday parties for my kids, or spend time creating anything special for my home. My kids and I do play and dance a lot, so that is where some of my virtue is used. I LOVE to read! Reading is one of my all time favorite things to do. This is where I can travel to many places through the words on the page and my imagination.

The P in AGAPE stands for Presence. Teachers must be present with their students. They must show and share knowledge that grabs their student's attention. More importantly a teacher must make sure that their students are present. Lessons that are created with new ideas and the use of imagination will pull students into a creative world where learning is inviting and interesting. My main goal as a teacher is to help develop the love for learning. I want each student to enjoy school just as much as  I did as a child.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
      - Albert Einstein

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