Sunday, January 26, 2014

February Group Post, Favorite Behavior Management Tool

When kids play games, what do they like to be? Kids love to be "it" and they will jump through hoops for the opportunity! In my classroom the kids sit in groups of five. Each group is given a letter and their letter is placed on the board. Throughout the week kids can earn points for their team. They earn points by following directions, listening, helping peers, keeping our classroom organized and clean, and quality work. Kids can earn individual points (Example..."Wow, Jack thanks for helping Mike pick up his crayons, you've just earned a point for your group" ) or group points ( "the group that has their area the most organized gets a point"). The group with the highest number of tallies per week wins! Together they pick a community building game of their choice, such as four corners, whomp it, zoo keeper, cat and mouse and so on. I then create a way for each member of the team to be "it". They love it! The whole class gets rewarded with a game that has so many benefits for all! The kids are up, moving and building relationships! Everybody Wins!


  1. Nikki, What a great behavior management tool that focuses on the positive actions students' are choosing in Your classroom. As a teacher I strive to focus on proactive managaement in order to create an environment where students feel safe and confident in their ability to be a positive, productive being themself. As a teacher I feel it my duty to set my students up for success in as many avenues as possible, I see this being one. I noticed that your "reward" for the group with the highest number of tallies per week is something that supports community buidling and relationships, versus providing some reward of material value... I love that you've taken this route. Not only are students receiving an earned reward, but the priviledge is one that enhances the classroom climate!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

  2. Oh, I'll start this tomorrow. I need a community and energy builder with all these crazy days off and long days inside! Thanks.

  3. LOVE! My students love to compete and in the end we all win! :) What a fun way to reinforce positive behaviors. I also love that they don't get a "prize" but get to choose an activity!!

  4. What a super idea!!! We always need to look for positive ways to keep them going:)

  5. I used your idea the past few weeks! I had my students create a "team" name within their group of 4-5 desks. I hung the student made signs above their desks. They love when they get points for working together. I also borrowed your idea and let the group with the highest points choose a morning meetings greeting or activity the next day! LOVE this idea!
